what's energy therapy?
Throughout our lives, the various perturbations and all the unexpressed emotional shocks are engraved in our bodies, causing blockages that prevent the energy within each of us from flowing freely The crystallization of these energy blockages leads to physical and emotional health problems. This is why it is advisable to have an energetic therapy session, a harmonization of the chakras twice a year (tradition specifies during the winter and summer solstices).
What is energy?
The human body is extremely complex whereas we are only made up of molecules: DNA, proteins and long carbon chains formed by the combination of a few hundred elementary building blocks: atoms.
And atoms are made up of 99.9999999% empty...
Thus, if the vacuum of atoms could be removed, all the matter of the Earth would be contained in a sphere with a radius of 150 m, and that of the present-day human species would fit in... an apple!
This apple would still weigh about 287 million tons!
On the other hand, what we term " emptiness " is in fact pure energy, also called according to times and cultures : Akasha, Shekinah, Prana, Ki, Chi, Holy Spirit, Quantum Emptiness…
According to quantum theory, matter and energy are no longer separate entities at the subatomic level.
The string theory seems to be the bridge between the physics of relativity and quantum physics.
According to the latter, the smallest elements in the universe are not, as we have learned, electrons, protons, neutrons, or even quarks.
In fact, the smallest particles would not be particles but rather a kind of string in a vibrating loop at certain precise frequencies...As the theories evolve and sometimes contradict each other I like to remember this quote from A. Einstein:
"Theory is when you know everything and nothing works. Practice is when everything works and no one knows why. Here we've brought theory and practice together: Nothing works... and nobody knows why!"
Thus, it would be the vibratory frequency level that would determine the type of particles in a material.
The conclusion is that everything is vibration and energy.
The accessible sources of this energy are the universe, the stars, the sun, the moon, the earth, nature, air and food.
Modern man today consciously draws it only from his food and the air he breathes, forgetting the rites of our ancestors that linked us to nature.
This explains quite easily the energy disorders that we frequently encounter in the quality of industrial food and the polluted air of our big cities.
The energetic or quantum therapist interacts with focus and the force of intention on energy. He captures the energy, then diffuses and directs it onto and into the physical and subtle bodies of his patients.
This phenomenon is known in quantum physics. It is called the "psi collapse": the physicist's mind-set alters the result of the wave/particle experiment.
Magnetism, Energy Care, Reiki, Quantum Medicine, Energetician, Healer, Fire Helper: complementary therapies in relation to energy seem, at first glance, quite different.
However, once the vocabulary, techniques, initiations and rites have been decoded, one quickly realizes that the essence of holistic care is Love, linked to the power of thought and intention.
The therapist is like a snorkel that brings air to the diver, acting as a channel for the necessary element for his patient, energy.
Once the patient is "reconnected" in and out of himself, the process of self-healing begins naturally.
The five essential phases of this process are:
1 - Awareness of the energy circulating in your body...
2 - Listening to and accepting one's body and environment and the energy that brings them into contact.
3 - Harmonization and self-regulation
4 - The prioritization and organization of Information
5 - The smooth flow of exchanges
How does an energy blockage occur?
Our current way of life and our environment are taking us further and further away from nature, disrupting the flow of our vital energy. Our energetic body can be disturbed by external elements such as energy incompatibility with people or places. Sedentary life, inappropriate nutrition, stress, negative emotions, psychological shocks, toxic relationships or even certain electromagnetic radiation are also obstacles to the free circulation of this energy. The energetic connection between Man and Nature can be distorted…
Why do people come to me for an energetic therapy?
Usually during periods of transition, break-up of a relationship or career, or due to an emotional or physical trauma. It is then beneficial to release both physical and emotional stress, by re-balancing and harmonizing your energy flow.
How can I get that energy flowing again?
It's all about getting energy flowing again, like a river returning to its bed when it's cleared of sediment, branches and debris. The energetic treatment then allows us to eliminate blockages in the body's supply channels, such as blood vessels, meridians, chakras, nadis... in a natural and spontaneous way and not constrained by our mind. The harmonization and revitalization of the energetic body promotes the natural self-healing processes of the physical body.
How does a session unfold?
First of all, I am talking to you by phone because it is necessary to have a discussion and sharing time before and after the session.
We make an appointment at my office or at home for the session.
You will lie comfortably on a massage table after taking off your shoes.
For the elderly or those who have difficulty lying down, they will receive a seated treatment, comfortably seated on a chair.
It is preferable to close your eyes, but for those who wish, we can talk and exchange during the session.
I follow a rigorous protocol to initiate the process of self-healing:
Cleansing and energetic protection of the site where I practice
Reception interview
Radiesthesic analysis (pendulum) of the chakras and balance of the energetic bodies
Hand therapy at about 20 cm from the body of the person.
Depending on your needs, the session can last from 30 minutes to an hour.
Depending on the situation, several sessions may be necessary to treat all the physical, psychological, emotional, mental and spiritual concerns of the person.
There is no age or predisposition necessary to benefit from a session, everyone is able to receive and benefit from an energetic therapy.
To receive an Energetic treatment is to open one's consciousness and accept to live changes.
My approach is non-dogmatic and therefore adapted to everyone, whatever their beliefs.
Energy during my training sessions?
Personal coaching is an assistance that I offer and is self-sufficient.
It corresponds to the spirit.
Sometimes I propose an energetic therapy to go further when I feel that the person is in favour of it and has physical or emotional pain.
On the other hand, I always bring my clients to meditation.
What are the benefits you feel at the end of a session?
Immediately, the person feels lighter, as if free from a heavy weight. Physical pain may also disappear.
Burns and insect bites are often relieved, and in the case of major injuries, the person can heal more quickly. The innate self-healing abilities that everyone possesses are stimulated.
Sometimes there is awareness during or after treatment, and people may cry or feel strong emotions being released.
After the session and in the days that follow your daily life is as if lightened and harmonized, a feeling of balance regained will allow you to progress and move forward with serenity.
I sometimes propose a personal follow-up by phone between sessions to help you to take ownership of your evolution and your self-sufficiency, which reinforces the benefits of the treatment.