What is hypnosis ?
There are several forms of hypnosis, including Ericksonian hypnosis which I practice and which particularly stands out, for its gentleness and its approach respectful of the values ​​and beliefs of each.
Ericksonian Hypnosis was developed by the American psychiatrist Milton Erickson (1901 - 1980) who contributed to the birth of brief and family therapy. Hypnosis subsequently strongly influenced the creators of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Richard Bandler and John Grinder. It is a so-called "brief" therapy because it makes it possible to treat a symptom or a problem by a reduced number of sessions. It takes between 3 and 5 sessions to ensure lasting changes.
The hypnotic state corresponds to a "modified state of consciousness", which can be induced by a professional but also by ourselves. The mind finds itself either focused on a thought or totally freed leaving room for all of its imagination. The subject under hypnosis is therefore conscious, but his attention is diverted.
It is a natural state that we all experience on a daily basis. Perhaps you have already, while driving your car, completely forgot to take the motorway exit, or already arrived at your destination without noticing the road ... You may have already experienced a moment of bewilderment, inattention, you were "elsewhere", "in the moon" and you must have reread the page of the book you were reading because you were "lost" in your thoughts. You were then naturally in a modified state of consciousness. It is a natural state that allows our subconscious to sort and archive the multitudes of information we receive from the environment around us.
Without hypnosis, any individual only has access to their conscious thoughts, habits and behaviors, restricted by so-called “limiting” beliefs.
By accessing the unconscious, blocking behaviors disappear, which opens up the possibilities for the mind to develop and have unlimited access to its resources.
What is the unconscious?
Imagine your subconscious as a gigantic library that processes and stores a multitude of information.
We receive billions of pieces of information per second and our unconscious sorts them, classifies them and transforms them into unconscious resources, to then activate emotions or behaviors that will best respond to a situation. In reaction to events, our unconscious always has a positive intention and sometimes it can generate oversized reactions (phobias, allergies, OCD ... etc)
The subconscious being a reservoir of unlimited resources ... hypnosis allows you to make the changes you desire.
"You can't lie to the unconscious, it always knows the truth. "- Françoise Dolto
What does a hypnosis session consist of?
Hypnotherapy is a work of inner listening. It is a personal development tool to guide you through your subconscious and allows you to find the resources and tools you need to solve your problems.
The objective of the sessions is to seek a state of deep relaxation to work in collaboration with your subconscious.
Thus, hypnosis helps you change some of your behaviors that your subconscious may have considered "positive" and "good for you", but which are limiting in your life today.
The session is above all an inner journey in search of deep relaxation where you will be invited to experience a modified state of consciousness to tap into your inner resources and succeed in changing your reality. You are the one who finds your answers and your solutions, because you are the source of your own changes!
A hypnosis session takes place in 3 stages:
- Each session begins with an anamnesis, a welcome and discussion time in order to specify your objectives.
- In a second step, you will settle down comfortably and we will set up the phase of induction, which will involve the entry into hypnotic state. You will then be in an altered state of consciousness. You will always be aware and you will retain your free will to follow or set aside my suggestions during the various stages of your inner journey.
• Finally, we will discuss your feelings and the progress of the objectives set.
What are the issues treated under hypnosis?
Hypnosis is particularly suitable for treating the following issues:
What is the place of hypnosis in my energy healing sessions?
Both Magnetizer and Certified Practitioner in Ericksonian Hypnosis, it is possible to come and consult me ​​for one or the other of these two therapeutic tools.
Although energy treatments and hypnosis sessions have different actions, these two methods are perfectly compatible by their common goal: well-being and SPIRIT - BODY - ENERGY alignment
Energy healing and hypnosis sessions are particularly effective in addressing the physical and emotional issues that we encounter throughout our lives. The use of energy healing will strengthen and further anchor the results obtained during hypnosis sessions.
What are the benefits of a hypnosis session?
There are sometimes awakenings of consciousness during or after the sessions, and it happens that people cry or feel strong emotions being released.
After the session and in the days that follow, the problem treated under hypnosis seems lightened, attenuated and you already feel released from a weight and more balanced in the face of previously encountered difficulties.
You will feel more comfortable and more in control when faced with situations that initially felt difficult or even insurmountable. You will move forward more calmly and more confidently.
I sometimes offer personal telephone support between sessions to take ownership of your development path and your autonomy, which reinforces the benefits of the care provided.